Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Trust and Faith

As a person in general, one thing I have struggled with over the years and still struggle with from time to time is trust. If you have read my other posts, you would know that I have been hurt quite a few times in the past. Therefore, I have become very selective with who I allow into my heart. I am also a planner. If I'm going to fall, I want to know when I'm going to fall, how I'm going to fall, and what exactly I'm going to fall on. Then I read a few verses in Hebrews that brought me back down to earth. Hebrews 11:7-12 says "It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before. By his faith Noah condemned the rest of the world, and he received the righteousness that comes by faith. It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. And even when he reached the land God promised him, he lived there by faith—for he was like a foreigner, living in tents. And so did Isaac and Jacob, who inherited the same promise. Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God. It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep his promise. And so a whole nation came from this one man who was as good as dead—a nation with so many people that, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore, there is no way to count them" (Hebrews 11:7-12 NLT).
You see, all of the people mentioned in these verses (and many others throughout the Bible) had to simply trust God. The natural thing to do (at least for me) is to doubt. How could I go somewhere without knowing where I am going? Why would I plan to accomplish something without knowing if it's even going to happen? In this life it is so easy to get discouraged by circumstances or the people around you, but Hebrews also says "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see" (Hebrews 11:1 NLT). God knows how stubborn I can be, yet He tells me I need to trust him. I have to trust that He knows what He is doing. I have to trust that His plans for me are much better than the plans I have for myself. I have to trust that He is going to do exactly what He says He is going to do. It worked put in the end for Noah and Abraham, didn't it?
I know many of you reading this are telling yourself, "Steph, what you are saing is a lot easier said than done". Trust me when I say I understand! I have been where you are. Friends, God has great things in store for you. If your lungs are taking in air, there is a purpose God still needs you to fulfill. You may not see where your future is headed, but God already knows where you have been, where you are, and where you are going. Just obey His word and have faith, and He will show you just how powerful He is. So my question for you is, what is holding you back from trusting Him? Your finances? A relationship? Your health? Whatever it is, my challenge to you would be to look whatever "it" is in the eyes and say, "My God is GREATER than anything I could possibly be going through". Stay Strong!
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (Philippians 1:6 NLT)

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